UFO Injury Reports Index Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August, 15, 1663/1666. Robozero, Soviet Union Fishermen on the lake about a mile away were badly burned by the heat of the UFO. |Heat| April 8, 1950. Milan, Italy (3) Bruno Facchini suffered from lifelong hot flashes after encounter. |Debris| April 1950. Amarillo TX David and Charles Lightfoot, age 12 and 9, River Road, near Amarillo TX, afternoon Reddened face and limbs after contact with small landed disk. November 4, 1957. Sno Vicente (Fort Itaipu), Brazil Sentries recieved burns as UFO approached and hoverd. |Heat| 1957. Melom, Indiana Treated at hospital for burns. |Heat| 1957. Orogrande, N.M. The James Stokes Case. Face appeared sunburned. 1958. Loch Raven Dam, Maryland Skin reddening, obtained medical attention. June 2, 1964. Hobbs, NM Mrs Frank Smith and grandson. Second degree burns and face swelling after close approach by top-shaped object trailing smoke. June 29, 1964. Lavonia, Georgia Beauford Parham. Possible chemical burns after extremely close approach by small luminous amber inverted cone which paced car, formaldehyde smell. July 7, 1964. Tallulah Falls, GA Face and arms irritated after close approach by top shaped object with red bottom and formaldehyde smell. |Formaldehyde| March 5, 1965. Benton Air Force Station, Red Rock, Pennsylvania. (13/P.252) Sixtenn hours later, a state trooper found the two [Air Force radar] technicians walking on Route 487 about 10 miles from the site, south of Lopez. They seemed dazed, and were transported to a hospital in Williamsport [and] found to be dehydrated and confused. They both spent two weeks in the hospital and were released back to their unit. |Discoid|Abduction|Beam|Radiation|Washington| March 15, 1965. Everglades, FL James Flynn. 'I felt a blow like a sledgehammer'... when he awoke... his vision was seriously impaired. About 24 hours had passed.... [he] required medical treatment, and had a small dark spot on his forehead. He suffered impaired vision in one eye, numbness, and loss of hearing." The effects lasted for over a week. |Beam|Diesel Generator/Jet-like Noise| April 1966. Sinclairville, NY Robert Howard. As Howard neared it, he said it bobbed to the right and took off over the treetops... Right eye was puffy, bloodshot and watery". The effects lasted for days. |Beam| March 16, 1967. Malmstrom AFB, Montana Minor injury, either a burn or a cut received by security guard while approaching or retreating from the object. |Base|Heat| May 19, 1967. Falcon Lake, Canada Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss. Radiation poisoning type symptoms. Burns to abdomen area. |Radiation| October 24-26, 1967. Moigne Downs, England Dog suffered deteriorating health post UFO encounter. |Animal Reaction| November 20, 1968. Tingo Maria, Peru The child was supposedly taken to a local hospital where he died suffering from third degree burns. Scorched grass. |Heat| August 30, 1970. Barragem do Funil, Brazil Almiro Martins De Freitas. Suffered temporary blindness from light. |Heat|Landing Mark|Power Plant| September 4, 1970. Brazil A peasant woman walking along a deserted road when she felt a great heat at her back. When she turned around she saw a large bluish-white light at about 50 meters and behind it, some kind of object. She ran, the object followed her at a distance of 20 meters. Two hours later she suffered from a violent headache, visual handicaps and burns were found covering her back. In addition, several workmen at the dam have reported UFOs. |Heat| November 2, 1971. Delphos, Kansas. Source: http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case192.htm Source: http://www.hyper.net/ufo/vs/m08-018.html Witness Ronald Johnson. Ronald Johnson suffered eyes irritation and nightmares. Mrs. Johnson fingers and leg went numb touching the glowing residue from landing site. Her fingers reportedly remained slightly numb for about two weeks, although she never sought medical attention for the problem. |Mushroom-shaped|Injury|Landing Trace| October 3, 1973. Southwest Missouri Eddie Webb, driving in Southwest Missouri, evening Temporary blindness and eyeglass frames melted in a light beam from an object pacing truck. |Beam| February 1974. Petite-Ile (Reunion) France M. Severin, 1:30 PM Witness lost partial eyesight and experienced headaches after being struck by ray from object. |Beam| July 21, 1975. Pedrosa del Rey Valladolid, Spain Suffered deteriorating health after UFO (beam). |Beam| November 1975. Thousand Oaks, California Post encounter deteriorating health described. Possible abduction. |Abduction| April 23, 1976. Quixada, Ceara, Brazil (3) Luis Fernandes Barroso suffered nausea, diarrhoea, headaches and vomiting. Brain lesion, deteriorating mental health. |Beam| January 6, 1976. Liberty, Kentuky Strange red marks on skin burned with water. Reported abduction. |Abduction| 1976. Stanford, Kentucky They were suffering from burns on areas of exposed skin. November 1, 1976. Oak Harbor, WA Massive animal reactions and deaths. November 23, 1976. Bolton, England Shelley McLenaghan. "A weird red and green light... the size of a small house, flat on top, with sloping sides and three legs... ' a terrible pressure on my head and shoulders, an off taste in my mouth. My teeth seemed to vibrate... a purple rash covered her neck, chest, shoulders, and upper back. Her eyes and joints ached. In her mouth, her top fillings had come out and the bottom ones had crumbled" December 5, 1976. Ft. Worth, TX Witness suffered eye problem and object bathed room in light. December 20, 1976. Milbank, SD Large object approaches to within 50' of the house. Dog dies. Witnesses feel ill. January 9, 1977. Bellevue, ID Witness was physically affected by the object as it heated up the interior of the vehicle. |Heat| 1977. Brazilian Island of Colares All of them had suffered lesions to the face or the thoratic area. The lesions looking like radiation injuries began with intense reddening of the skin in the affected area. |Radiation| 1977. Vila de Piria, River Gurupi, Brazil (3) Joao de Brito hit by a beam of light that left him powerless ending up in the hospital. |Beam| September 17, 1978. Torrita, Province of Siena, Italy Rivo Faralli. Witness suffered eye irritation for two days. |Interference| December 29, 1980. Piney Woods, Texas Source: http://science.howstuffworks.com/aliens-ufos-channel.htm Intercontinental U.F.O. Galactic Spacecraft Research and Analytic Network Archives Radiation poisoning type symptoms. Sunburn skin feeling. Skin sores and later skin cancer. |Heat|Radiation| 1994. Guadalajara, Mexico Source: http://www.analuisacid.com/ocotlan_ufo.htm Mr. Raúl Dominguez suffered intense diarrhoea for tree consecutive days just after he witnessed the event. Subsequently, he caught vitiligo (white spots caused by skin depigmentation), and several digestive problems. |Disc|Buzz|Injury|Rotation| This Page is an antiquarian - possibly outdated - usergenerated website brought to you by an archive. It was mirrored from Geocities in the end of october 2009. For any questions about this page try to contact the respective author. For any questions concerning the archive visit our main page: OoCities.org. To report any mal content send URL to oocities[at]gmail[dot]com